Thursday, April 2, 2009

Story # 5 Pater Noster

Pater Noster
Our Father

Often Jesus was talking to the disciples about prayer. With great love, he said to them, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find. Knock and to you it will be opened. For all who ask receive and those who seek will find."

Day by day the good teacher gave an example to his beloved disciples. For Jesus prayed much. Often he prayed the whole night. A certain day, therefore, the disciples approached to Jesus and one of them said, "Lord, teach us to pray."

Jesus loved his disciples. To the teacher the disciples were as little children. And so, with great kindness, he said to them, "When you pray, say:

Our father who is in heaven,
Holy is your name,
Your kingdom is to come,
Your will is to be done,
Just as in Heaven, so on earth.
Our daily bread give to us,
And forgive to us our debts,
Just as we forgive our debtors,
And do not lead us into temptation,
But free us from evil. Amen."

1. To whom does God give many gifts? 
2. When does Jesus pray?
3. What do the disciples ask Jesus?
4. Who give to us the daily bread?
5. Who sends away our sins?

Story #4 Signum Crucis

Signum Crucis

In the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

In the name of the Father . . . 

God is Father. He is my heavenly father. The father is the creator of the world. The father created the earth and heaven, the sea and the mountains, the sun, the moon, and the stars for me. God gave me my soul and my life. God the Father loves me. I love God the Father.

And the son . . .

The Son is God. The Son is Jesus Christ. The Son is my savior, the redeemer of the world. The Son descended from heaven and by the Holy Spirit from the Virgin Mary was incarnated (made flesh) and was made man. On this earth he lived 33 years. Whereupon on account of my sins he was crucified. But because Jesus is God, in three days he resurrected, and after 40 days ascended into heaven. Although Jesus is in heaven, he desires to remain with me on earth. Therefore he lives in the tabernacle. I ought to visit Jesus daily. Jesus the Son of God loves me. I love Jesus, the Son of God.

And the Holy Spirit. Amen

The Holy Spirit is God. The Holy Spirit is the Sanctifier. God the Holy Spirit gives many graces to me. He sanctifies me. If I am good, he lives in my soul always. The Holy Spirit loves me. I love God the Holy Spirit.

Glory be to the Father, to the son, and to the Holy Spirit. Just as it was in the beginning, and now, and always in ages of ages. Amen.

Tidbit: This story uses the passive form of several verbs:
was incarnated (incarnatus est), was made (factus est), was crucified (crucifixus est

1. Who is the creator of the world?
2. Who is Jesus Christ?
3. Why was Jesus crucified?
4. Why does Jesus live in the Tabernacle?
5. Who is the Sanctifier?

Story #3 Saint Christopher

Saint Christopher

Once there was a man by the name of Offorus. This man was strong and powerful. He desired to give his aid to a king who was also strong and powerful. But Offorus was greater than all the kings in strength and power. At length, he decided to serve Satan. He thought, "The devil is strong and powerful. Certainly he will fear nothing. I will serve Satan."

One day, however, Offorus and the devil were making a journey along the roads. Suddenly the companion of Offurus fled. The devil had seen the cross of Christ and was terrified. Immediately, Offorus exclaimed, "Now I will not serve Satan. Christ is more powerful. I will serve Christ."

After a few days, a small child was standing on the bank of a river. "I desire to cross the river," he said. "Come," responded Offorus, "I will carry you." The small boy however was carrying the sins of the world and was very heavy. At length Offorus arrived at the other bank of the river. The strong man was tired. "Who are you little one?" asked Offorus. "I am the king to whom you desire to serve," the little king responded.

Immediately Offorus threw himself at the feet of the little one. The little king smiled. He loved this strong man. "Rise," he commanded with great love. "Today you have carried Christ across the river. After this your name will be Christopher.

1. What kind of man was Offorus?
2. Why does he decide to serve Satan?
3. What terrifies the devil?
4. Who was the little king?
5. What does the name Christopher signify?